The New iPhone 3G!

All I can say is- Wow. I absolutely love the iPhone. I already knew this, of course, but today is a good day to gush about it with the new iPhone 3G just having come out. You can see the new model above- it looks pretty close to the old model (the one I have), but the back of it is black with a silver apple (the current is all silver with a black band at the bottom) and it looks slightly more contoured to fit the hand (can't tell for sure or if its the lighting). It looks great, and sounds great from the 1/2 hour online video I watched. Many of the new software features I believe are being added as a new update for existing iPhone users, which would be awesome. The two things you get with the newest iPhone that were not previously available are 1) faster internet (double the speed) and 2) gps tracking (which is a super cool feature... you can watch your little dot moving down the street on google maps! :) Are these worth getting a new iPhone? For me, not yet. I definitely want one. But, the new software features are going to hold me for a while. I will go play with the new phone in the stores next week just to try and get myself MORE excited about it. :)
When I first got my iPhone last Christmas, I was incredibly happy to get what I thought was a very cool phone with internet (I haven't had any blackberry or other such device). When I started using it, I realized that it was even MORE cool than I had ever anticipated. The things it can do are just amazing. I show people, even now, the things that are old hat for me, on the iPhone and they are amazed. iPhones are supposed to be super intuitive, but I have found hidden features I hadn't realized after using it for the past 7 months. For those without iPhones, I suggest you go play with one at the Apple Store! You will be hooked! With the smaller price tag, I expect to start seeing them everywhere, except for those stubborn people who are, for some unknown reason, against the iPhone. (You know who you are :). Perhaps I will expound more on some of the great features of the iPhone in a future post (email me if you would be interested in that). Until then, I will continue giving demonstrations to unknowing victims to reel them in. ;)
If not, what does the calling plan cost?
It does seem like a very cool device, but since my company issues a cell phone already, don't know if it's worth the additional expense.