Power Food

I've discovered a new food that is quickly becoming one of my favorite: Cocoa Roasted Almonds.
I tried this new flavor by Diamond foods (Emerald line) when getting some free samples at this year's Chicago Wine Festival (put on by InPlay Events which was really neat and I should post on another time). If you like nuts and like chocolate, this is a really great combination! Almonds and dark chocolate are already touted as some of the best foods for you- they are packed full of anti-oxidents and nutrients...of course, only eating the recommended 1 oz is hard to do. However, I have found that a 1 oz portion really satisfies me and keeps me full if I have a long wait between meals.
Ha! I even found another blog where someone blogged about how much they liked these almonds!! I guess its a popular item, which makes me happy because its likely they will continue to make this flavor! :)