Google Map with location points

I heard through an online group about how easy it is to create your own personal Google Map with location points on it... so I went online tonight and tried it, and since it was so easy, spent the last few hours updating a map with all the places I have ever been. I think there are about 80-90 locations, but many in the area where I live, and some trips have a couple of points within one trip. I made it out west this year to the Yellowstone and South Dakota areas (hitting Montana and Idaho just on the borders). Although I haven't been to every state or anything, I've been to both coasts, to the North, South and Midwest. I got out the Hawaii for my honeymoon and over the years have made it to several other tropical locations like the Bahamas, Jamaica, Aruba, Cancun and the Virgin Islands. I have even made it overseas, although just once, with my twin sister to visit London and Paris a few years back. I definitely count myself lucky to have been able to go so many lovely and diverse places in my life... and, of course, I hope to visit many, many more! Happy Travels!
[Update: I guess I should have said how to do this yourself! :) Go to and click on My Maps near the top left of the screen. Click 'Create New Map', name it and start setting down points and labelling them! Enjoy.]