Galapagos Islands - Espanola Island, Punta Suarez & Gardner Bay
On our second day in the Galapagos, we visited Espanola Island. We saw many brightly-colored crabs and of course many more sea lions including a baby that was just born with his umbilical cord still on! Birds and lizards were everywhere, iguanas, mockingbirds, yellow warblers, blue-footed boobies, Galapagos Hawks and albatrosses, including chicks. We walked along rocky shores and had beautiful vistas, visited and snorkeled at a beach where I swam with sea turtles about as big as me!!!! Yes, just another unbelievable day in the Galapagos! :)
As you can see by the pics, this was a tremendous day of seeing so many different types of wildlife, as well as the beauty of the island. If you get freaked out by any of the iguanas/lizards, remember what Hanzel, our guide, told us when we were standing right next to them: Don't worry, they are totally vegetarian! ;)
To see more pictures from this day, visit my photo website.
Our Gap Adventures group arriving at Espanola
Iguana- He looks so relaxed, doesn't he? :)
Baby Sea Lion
Colorful crab
Many lava lizards
Baby sea lion hanging out with the lava lizards
Lava lizard
Sea lion on the shore with many crabs
Two baby sea lions playing in the water
Lava lizard posing for me
Lava lizards hugging
Blue-footed Boobie
Blue-footed Boobie
Blue-footed Boobie
Me with a lava lizard
Baby sea lion just born that day
Baby sea lion just born that day
Baby sea lion just born that day with mama
A beautiful view
Boobie chick
Boobie chick
Me in the same pose as the blue-footed boobie

Nazca boobie in flight
Boobie chick
Boobie adolescent
Galapagos Hawks
Another beautiful view
The landscape of Espanola
Albatross chick
Mockingbird on the beach
Hanging out at the beach with the sea lions
Momma and baby snoozing
Yellow warbler
Mockingbird tracks
Me and Connie, a girl I met on our boat, in our wet suits after snorkeling with the sea turtles!