Restaurants Restaurants Restaurants

I recently started working a short term job in the loop and have had lots of opportunities to eat some fabulous meals, which is one of the great delights of living in Chicago. I always have to apologize to the people I dine with for asking them to wait to eat that delicious food to take pictures! I don't knew when I started thinking I needed a picture to remember what I ate- it probably has something to do with facebook and blogging, that I've started thinking in terms of documenting my meals. Thankfully this behavior does not seem to be considered abnormal as I flash away at the table in most restaurants. Who knows- maybe they think I'm a food magazine person or a food critic? (Where DO I get a job like that anyway- do they really pay people to eat??). Regardless, I have to say that it does help to remember the menu and definitely aids in helping me to recommend restaurants to others. In that vein, I've decided to do a blogging series on the many restaurants I've tried lately with the pictures I took. Look for a new restaurant to be featured every day or so. Do let me know if you end up trying one of these or have others to recommend. Let the Yum begin!


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