Day 2 (Part 1) - Sydney: Koalas, Kangaroos and Wombats (Oh my :)
Our second day in Australia had an early start; we had breakfast at Featherdale Wildlife Park. All my life I've wanted to see a koala and a kanagroo. Imagine my surprise when we got to the sanctuary and kangaroos were hopping all around us, and we were visited by a baby koala at breakfast?! Later, both Karen and I got to pet both a koala and a kangroo- how cool! :) Along with these animals that you definitely think of when you think of Australia, we also saw an Egret, a Dingo, a Tasmanian Devil, an Emu, a Wombat and a Crocodile and many neat birds and other animals. It was a great experience that I would recommend to anyone going to Sydney. We felt that we got up close to the animals in a way that we wouldn't have gotten to at a zoo. Enjoy the animal pics! Many more at my website. Click here for the next post in this journey :)