When was the last time you used your phone book?

When was the last time you used your paper phone book? I'm all about the paperless bills- yes, it's trendy to be "green" these days, but just to stop all the clutter that paper creates is a good enough reason for me! Every year the phone books are delivered, and I dutifully take the new ones and put them on a shelf (where they stay until I get the next batch). I discard the previous years books.. this year I actually tore out all the pages in the books by hand because we're not allowed to recycle anything with a binding on it. It took me about half hour to mutilate the 4 books I had that I wanted to recycle. In the back of my mind, I remember thinking, "Even if I have to pay to stop receiving a phone book, like you have to pay to not have your name listed, it would be worth it!" Completely out of the blue today , I happened across a link to a grass roots organization that is trying to stop paper phone books to those who doesn't use them. Yay! If you've been yearning to stop getting those books, as I was ... go sign up! :)


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