Toastmasters Speeches

For those that don't know what Toastmasters is, it is a public speaking group for practicing one's speaking skills. I've been in a club for about 3 years now and have given 8 of the 10 speeches in the Competent Communication manual. As a speaker advances, there are other manuals to choose from on different areas to work on more advanced skills. Every group is different as to what their goals might be, but every group offers a supportive environment to practice speeches and get over that nervousness that affects us all (if YOU have no fear of public speaking, more power to you!). I've heard that fear of public speaking is people's number one fear (number two is death). I must say that it has really helped me to overcome my fear of public speaking. I am not saying that I have no fear or nervousness anymore, but it is much less than before and practicing in front of a real audience has certainly made it easier. What makes Toastmasters more beneficial than just practicing with a friend or the mirror is the feedback given at each meeting. Other members are assigned to to evaluate each speech, as well as keep track of the time the speech runs and how many times the speaker says "Um." One of the more surprising things I have noticed while giving speeches is that 5-7 minutes actually does not cover a whole lot of material. :) At first, the time seems daunting, but in actuality it gives only time for a basic overview of the topic.

I'm expecting to wrap up my Competent Toastmasters manual within the next few months and thought I'd post some of my past speeches that I have given. Many of the speeches revolve around my passions: traveling, food and photography. I will be posting them each individually shortly.


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