Grill attempt #3

The brand new grill! It's a Weber Genesis E-310. I'd been wanting a new grill since the end of last summer when my current grill died. The goal was to have a new grill in time for our Memorial Day BBQ last Sunday... was the Tuesday before cutting it a bit close? ;) After all the research, buying, getting it home and put together (which took 3 evenings).... I get to reap the rewards! This thing is great! I've tried center cut pork chops the first night, with a spicy meat rub. It was one of the juiciest pork chops I've ever had! Yum! Next use for was for the BBQ- burgers and brats, which I, sadly, didn't get to have any of while they were hot off the grill (but I heard they were good from the 50+ guests that DID get to eat them ;). Tonight, the third use in the lifetime of the grill (should I give it a name maybe? ;), I made some BBQ chicken. If you know me, you know I don't really like chicken, actually. But, you know what? It was delicious! ... juicy, good grilled flavor, dipped in some BBQ sauce... sorry if I'm making you hungry. :) I'm pretty convinced this grill can make anything taste good! Now I have aspirations of trying all kinds of things on this grill. We'll see if any of those come to pass this summer...


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