The Bible

One of the items on put on my list (which I blogged about here), was to read the Bible in its entirety. It's just something I've always wanted to do. But, it's hard to make that commitment to read every day. I've gotten the books where they have you read bit each day and I've done it for a few months. But, the Bible is so long that it will take more like a year to read the whole thing, a chapter a day. I recently found a way that really works for me- I get emailed a chapter of the Bible each day automatically by a site created by Chris Christensen. (Chris also creates a Bible Study Podcast that I enjoy listening to). It may not be the best medium for everyone to read the Bible- everyone has their own preferences- but it sure works for me, since I read my email every day, throughout the day. I would leave reading a book until right before bed, and would be too tired to spend the time to read it. Now, I can catch up during the day, or even read it on my iPhone while waiting for an appointment! I have read all of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John this way now and am onto Acts. I just wanted to share something that worked for me, hoping others would find this useful! :)


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