
Avatar just came out on DVD recently and I have recommended the movie to several people. Many people who are not sci fi or fantasy fans have told me they don't have an interest in seeing Avatar. I originally didn't have a big interest in seeing ir myself, but after finding out the graphics this film are the most advanced graphics EVER, I wanted to check it out. After seeing the movie, I was awed by what I saw, in addition to what I read about the graphics in this film. The storyline I thought was pretty good; the movie had something for everyone- beautiful scenery, action and a love story. And the graphics were unbelievable! I truly felt that the Na'vi (the blue people) looked the most realistic of any animation I have seen. The Na'vi and their world were brought to life in Avatar.

This video clip from imdb.com tells a bit about how the director James Cameron wrote the script for this movie before the graphics were available to do what he wanted. Finally, technology caught up with his dream and he was able to make it.

If you are a Lord of the Rings fan, or even if you aren't, you may have heard of the technology that was used to create the Gollum character. The actor, Andy Serkis, dressed up in a suit with all types of probes attached to his body that recorded into a computer all of his movements. Andy was not just the voice of the animated character, but his body movements and facial expressions were fed into the animation as well. This technique was one of the most advanced of its time (the Lord of the Rings movies were released in 2001, 2002 and 2003). What is special about Avatar is that it uses this technique on a large scale (for groups of people) and for multiple main characters at once in the movie. This clip of an interview with the main female actress Zoƫ Saldana of Avatar shows some clips of her acting alongside her digitally created character Neytiri (2:20 into the clip). Another short clip about 3:30 into this 60 minutes video also shows some shots of the actors with their gear on. In addition, this movie was viewable in its entirety in 3D in theatres which was another added technology element that blew me away.

I really enjoyed this movie and saw it several times in theatres. I intend to purchase the DVD. If all the awards the movie has received and fact that the movie is the Number 1 selling movie of all time (topping Titanic- also a Cameron directed film) haven't convinced you yet to see it, then I'm not sure what you are waiting for! :) This generation of movie-goers should see this movie, for the pure fact that it is by far the most advanced graphics in a movie ever to be created.


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